Monday 15 September 2014


Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?
Ice cream 
Replace New Zealand’s national anthem
Reform the tax system
Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch.
Relegalise illegal legal highs
Reform the Justice system so that every citizen is required to prove why they shouldn’t be in prison

You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?
  1. An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).
  2. Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
  3. Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  4. Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  5. An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
  6. A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
  7. Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  8. $500 application fee.

Name your party
The New Zealand United Dream (NZUD)

Create a policy for
Your hoptillps bill will be free when you get Ingrid.
You will get 5000 dolars for your education when you go to unvrisy.
You are not allowed a gun at your house.
If you are starting up a business you will get 3000 dolars towards it.
There we be more parks in NZ.


1 comment:

  1. I think a good policy is where if you are starting up a business you with get $3000 and also for collage you will get $5000 these are really good policies because there are people that would love to go to collage but can't afford, it so donating will go a long way for them. However it will be a lot of money for each person also I disagree with not being aloud to have a gun in your house because if something happens you need a weapon for defence. Overall you have completed the task and put good thought into it well done!
